Write For Us
Write For Us
You would like to submit your guest post to our blog?
Please review the guidelines below before submitting your guest post.
Your guest post should be
Relevant. Instazeal is all about Instagram, Social Media Marketing and Viral Marketing. We won’t accept guest posts covering other topics.
Well written. We are looking for high-quality articles, with flawless command of punctuation, organization, language, grammar, style and tone. We won’t spend time editing or correcting your article.
Useful. Our readers are looking for helpful, interesting and useful information that they can use and bring them benefits so that’s what we require from you.
Uniqueness. The guest post you are providing us should be unique. This means you shouldn’t copy & paste content from other articles or rewrite articles. We use several softwares to check whether the article has been used before or not.
Editorial Guidelines
- Include an author bio with your guest post, 1-3 sentences long, make it interesting and easy to read
- You can have 1 link to your blog/site and another to one of your social profiles in your author bio
- Affiliate links are not permitted in the article or author bio
- Include at least 4 links within the article linking to the sources you used for writing it or any other relevant places. The links must be of high quality or authority sites. No links towards your site/blog in the article.
- Include 2-3 relevant images for the article, they must be “free to use” images, if you’ve taken them from somewhere send the link to that place as well
- Submit the article in Word .docx format
- Again, article must be unique, not offered or publishedanywhere else.
What are your benefits?
Your article will be seen by thousands of people, which are all in the same niche and interested in the same topic. People are not only finding us through Google, but also through the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Besides this, we are also going to share your article on social media for example Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. You can reach a large audience on multiple platforms and brand yourself as an expert.