Instagram Captions
5 Tipps, um selbst tolle Instagram-Captions zu schreiben
1). Sei gesprächig
Du möchtest sicherstellen, dass dein Publikum das Gefühl hat, ein echtes Gespräch mit dir zu führen. Deshalb ist es so wichtig, Bildunterschriften zu schreiben, die sich natürlich anfühlen. Verwende Slang, Emojis und andere beiläufige und moderne Ausdrücke, wann immer möglich. Das mag anders sein, als du normalerweise sprichst, aber es ist wichtig, deinem Publikum das Gefühl zu geben, dass du genauso normal bist wie alle anderen. Du magst ein Influencer sein, aber du willst, dass sie dich in erster Linie als ihren Freund betrachten!
2). Sei unterhaltsam
Hier hast du etwas mehr Spielraum, was die Konversation in deinen Überschriften angeht. Nur weil sie unterhaltsam sind, heißt das nicht, dass sie langweilig sein müssen. Es kann sogar sein, dass deine Bildunterschriften ein wenig lustig oder schockierend sind, um die Aufmerksamkeit deines Publikums zu erregen. Wenn du einen Sinn für Humor hast, der zum Ton deiner Beiträge passt, ist das eine gute Möglichkeit, für Abwechslung zu sorgen, ohne dass du dich zu weit von dem entfernst, was dein Interesse geweckt hat.
3). Sei einzigartig
In einem Meer von Selfies, auf denen dein Frühstück und dein geliebtes Haustier zu sehen sind, ist es wichtig, dass du dich von der Masse abhebst. Es ist wichtig, dass du versuchst, dich von der Masse abzuheben. Das bedeutet, dass du dir vielleicht ein paar mehr Gedanken über deine Bildunterschriften machen musst. Versuche, dir etwas auszudenken, was niemand sonst über dein Foto sagen würde, oder erzähle zumindest eine andere Geschichte als die, die du auf dem Bild zeigst.
4). Sei ehrlich
Die Leute merken immer, wenn du dich zu sehr bemühst, jemand zu sein, der du nicht bist. Niemand will einem Instagram-Account folgen, der ständig Bilder hochlädt, von denen er glaubt, dass sie ihm gefallen. Sei stattdessen du selbst und lass deine eigene Stimme in all deinen Beiträgen durchscheinen. Nur so kannst du eine echte Verbindung zu deinen Zuschauern aufbauen und sie zu treuen Fans für die nächsten Jahre machen!
5). Sei kreativ
Was den Inhalt angeht, so sind die Bildunterschriften auf Instagram am wichtigsten, um die Verbindung zu deinem Publikum zu vertiefen. Das bedeutet, dass sie nicht nur lieben, was du ihnen zeigst, sondern auch, wer du als Person bist. Sie wollen das Gefühl haben, dass sie selbst wissen, wer hinter der Kameralinse steht. Deshalb ist es wichtig, dass du dir etwas Mühe mit deinen Bildunterschriften gibst. Schreibe nicht einfach das, was dir in den Sinn kommt, und schreibe es wieder und wieder. Versuche, etwas Kreativität und Nachdenken hineinzulegen!
Warum sind gute Instagram-Captions so wichtig?
Wenn du weißt, wie man gute IG-Beiträge schreibt, kann das über dein Social Media Marketing entscheiden. Du willst nicht, dass deine Follower dich verlassen, weil sie sich nicht dafür interessieren, was du in deinen Posts, die im Grunde Werbung für deine Marke sind, zu sagen hast. Wenn du darüber nachdenkst, einen Influencer für eine bezahlte Kampagne einzustellen, ist seine ansprechende Beschreibung wahrscheinlich das Wichtigste, worauf du achten solltest, neben der Anzahl seiner Follower.
Menschen erinnern sich viel eher an Dinge, die in einem unterhaltsamen Ton geschrieben sind, als an das, was sie als „verkaufslastig“ empfinden. Wenn du möchtest, dass die Leute deine Bildunterschriften lesen und das Gefühl haben, dass sie direkt mit der Person hinter der Marke sprechen, musst du sicherstellen, dass du dich auf eine echte Art und Weise ausdrückst.
Beim Social Media Marketing geht es darum, eine Beziehung zu deinen Kunden aufzubauen. Das bedeutet, dass sie deiner Marke vertrauen und das Gefühl haben sollen, dass sie dir alles sagen können. Diese Art von Beziehung kannst du nicht aufbauen, wenn du den Leuten jeden Tag nur Verkaufsargumente an den Kopf wirfst. Sie werden dir das übel nehmen und dir gar nicht mehr folgen.
Es ist wichtig, dass du dir überlegst, was dein Ziel ist, wenn es um deine Überschriften geht. Wenn du willst, dass sie sich auf das Produkt konzentrieren und nichts anderes, ist das in Ordnung. Wenn du aber möchtest, dass sich jemand, der einen Influencer anheuert, auch für seine Geschichte und die Person, die für ihn Fotos macht, interessiert, musst du ihm etwas mehr als nur das Produkt bieten.
Gute Instagram-Bildunterschriften sind kreativ und einzigartig – genau wie deine Marke es sein sollte! Deine Follower wollen das Gefühl haben, dass sie mit einer Person interagieren und nicht mit einem namenlosen Unternehmen. Erzähle also Geschichten, sei witzig und gib ihnen Einblicke in dein Leben, die andere nie bekommen würden. So schaffst du dir eine treue und begeisterte Fangemeinde!
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Gehen dir die Ideen aus? Probiere unsere Captions für Instagram!
Beste Instagram-Captions
Es gibt viele Dinge zu beachten, wenn du die perfekte Instagram-Bildunterschrift schreibst. Du musst nicht nur darauf achten, dass sie kreativ und markengerecht ist, sondern auch, dass sie interessant genug ist, um das Interesse der Leute zu wecken. Bildunterschriften sollten möglichst kurz und knapp sein und du solltest dir immer überlegen, welches Ziel du mit deinem Beitrag verfolgst. Wenn du möchtest, dass sich alle deine Bildunterschriften auf das Produkt konzentrieren, ist das in Ordnung. Wenn du aber möchtest, dass sich jemand, der einen Influencer anheuert, auch für seine Geschichte und die Person, die für ihn Fotos macht, interessiert, musst du ihm etwas mehr als nur das Produkt bieten. Bildunterschriften sollten kreativ und einzigartig sein – genau wie deine Marke!
- „Having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage, not weakness.“
- „The idea is to die young . . . as late as possible.“
- „Do more things that make you forget to check your phone.“
- „You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.“
- „I literally have to remind myself all the time that being afraid of things going wrong isn’t the way to make things go right.“
- „You never run out of things that can go wrong.“
- „If practice makes perfect, and no one’s perfect, then why practice?“ —Billy Corgan.
- „One does not simply create a clever Instagram caption.“
- „Friday, my second favorite F word.“
- „When nothing goes right, go left.“
- „When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine.“
- „The happiest people don’t have the best of everything; they make the best of everything.“
- „Be happy. It drives people crazy.“
- „Say yes to new adventures.“
- „Every day may not be good, but there’s good in every day.“
- „You’re like a four-leaf clover: hard to find and lucky to have.“
- „Today’s the best kind of day.“
- „Be the type of person you want to meet.“
- „Keep your chin up, so your crown don’t slip.“
- „My life isn’t perfect, but it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.“
Lustige Instagram Captions
Lustige Instagram-Beiträge können eine gute Möglichkeit sein, deine Persönlichkeit zu zeigen und deine Follower zu unterhalten. Allerdings musst du darauf achten, dass sie zur Marke passen und mit deiner Marketingstrategie übereinstimmen. Hier sind einige Tipps, wie du witzige Bildunterschriften schreibst, die die Leute zum Lachen bringen und Lust auf mehr machen!
- „Handle every situation like a dog. If you can’t eat it or play with it, just pee on it and walk away.“
- „Being an adult is like folding a fitted sheet. No one really knows how.“
- „I’m not lazy. I’m on energy-saving mode.“
- „I was going to take over the world this morning, but I overslept. Postponed. Again.“
- „I never make the same mistake twice. I make it like five or six times, you know, just to be sure.“
- „You never realize how boring your life is until someone asks you what you do for fun.“
- „It’s Thursday, so here’s my wise quote of the day… actually, I got nothing.“
- „I’m just a girl standing in front of a camera asking if this is Instagram worthy?“
- „Sleep like no one’s watching.“
- „I invented a new word: Plagiarism.“
- My favorite exercise is a cross between a lunge and a crunch. I call it lunch.
- I walk around like everything is fine, but deep down, inside my shoe, my sock is sliding off.
- I want to be like a caterpillar. Eat a lot. Sleep for a while. Wake up beautiful.
- I tried to be normal once. Worst two minutes of my life!
- I miss you like an idiot misses the point.
- That awkward moment when you’re wearing Nikes and you can’t do it.
- Just dropped my new single! It’s me. I’m single.
- They call it a ’selfie‘ because ’narcissistic‘ is too hard to spell.
- Be savage, not average.
- Never let a man treat you like anything less than Beyoncé.
- I’m not weird. I’m limited edition.
- Why fall in love when you can fall asleep?
- Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.
- Me? Crazy? I should get down off this unicorn and slap you.
- Life status: currently holding it all together with one bobby pin.
- I was addicted to the hokey pokey but I turned myself around.
- Be as picky with your men as you are with your selfies.
- I know I’m a handful, but that’s why you have two hands.
- Every 60 seconds, there’s a girl posting a positive message that she doesn’t live by.
- Never let anyone treat you like a yellow Starburst. You’re a pink Starburst.
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Traurige Instagram Captions
Traurige Instagram-Bildunterschriften sind eine gute Möglichkeit, Emotionen auszudrücken und sich mit deinen Followern auf einer tieferen Ebene zu verbinden. In den meisten Fällen schätzen Follower die Authentizität von jemandem, der bereit ist, seine verletzliche Seite zu zeigen. Sie wollen das Gefühl haben, dass sie nachvollziehen können, was du durchmachst, und deshalb kommen diese Bildunterschriften bei den Leuten so gut an. Deshalb ist es auch wichtig, dass deine Bildunterschriften nicht nur traurig sind – du brauchst etwas Abwechslung, damit sie nachvollziehbar sind! Aber wenn du etwas Deprimierendes willst, findest du hier ein paar tolle Captions:
- Don’t leave me alone because I never wanna leave you.
- “And in the end, it’s not the people you miss. It’s the memories.”
- “Only if I could get a mask to hide the pallor of the pain you gifted.”
- The only thing between me and total happiness is reality.
- In the end, it’s not the people whom you miss. It’s about the memories.
- And when I dampened tears on these roads, you were the one who trampled upon them.
- If they care, they’ll still.
- It hurts when your favorite person finds a new favorite person.
- Some of the most painful scars: the ones that hurt the most are the scars that can’t be seen
- But despite all the pain associated with it, sadness has some benefits as well.
- Life’s under no obligation to give us what we expect. – Margaret Mitchell
- Everyone has a story but my story left me.
- How did I go from that happy little 5-year-old to this?
- Sometimes treating some people like stair steps is a way to move on.
- Drowned in darkness, confined in pain
- You can imagine the kind of dinner parties I had to go to at a young age… pretty dull.
- A broken heart is just the growing pains necessary so that you can love more completely when the real thing comes along. – J.S.B. Morse
- Remember me when I am gone away, Gone far away into the silent land.
- I really miss the person who makes me smile.
- I guess broken pieces of glass hurt one badly and so do broken pieces of the human heart.
- Worlds may say that it’s over but somewhere in the heart, a feeling called love was still there.
- The worst missing is missing your old self.
- I’m busy saving everybody else when I can’t even save myself.
- I’m going to cry.
- Bad days with the good, baby.
- I wish FOREVER meant the same to you that it means to me.
- You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness. – Jonathan Safran Foer
- You Hurt Me But I Still Love You.
- True Love Isn’T Found. It’S Built.
- If you give up on me, I’m going to give up on me too..
- Stop waiting for someone’s text.
- My Silence Is Just Another Word For Pain.
- You Killed What Was Left Of The Good In Me.
- Only if I could get a mask to hide the pallor of the pain you gifted.
- It’s sad when someone you know becomes someone you knew. – Henry Rollins
- I don’t forgive you. I love you forever.
- Please don’t hurt me. I really love you truly.
- One of the most difficult tasks in life is removing someone from your heart.
- Love isn’t easy that’s why only those who are capable to tackle it, get it.
- Please don’t leave me, I am alone.
- You promised me you love me forever, What happened the promise.
- I never stopped loving you, just stopped showing it.
- I love you every time, please don’t ignore me.
- With my hearts having slivers all around, they might hurt if you’d come closer.
- You love me or not, I don’t care, I will always love you.
- Breathing is hard. When you cry so much, it makes you realize that breathing is hard.
- People Cry Not Because They’Re Weak. It’s Because They’ve Been Strong For Too Long.
- “Drowned in darkness, confined in pain.”
- “Oh, how beautiful your eyes speak those lies!”
- Even though you were standing beside me, you were never there for me.
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Motivierende Instagram Captions
Menschen suchen oft auf Instagram nach Motivation. Deshalb ist es wichtig, dass die Bildunterschriften sie inspirieren. Wenn Menschen niedergeschlagen sind, brauchen sie eine Erinnerung daran, dass es nicht immer so sein wird. Sie müssen an ihre Ziele und an die Dinge, für die sie arbeiten, erinnert werden. Ein guter Motivationsspruch gibt ihnen das Gefühl, dass sie alles schaffen können. Wenn du also deine Follower motivieren willst, solltest du einige von ihnen verwenden:
- Life is short. Live it up and live it in the moment.
- Live for today, plan for tomorrow.
- All you can do is all you can do. Make it count.
- What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
- The most difficult part of life isn’t taking risks but not taking risks in fear of failure.
- We’re running out of time, people!
- Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.
- I love you more than yesterday, less than tomorrow.
- Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today? Today I’m focused on being the best me possible.
- “The best way to predict the future is to create it”
- „You are the only one who will make you happy“
- „When you’re on your deathbed, you won’t regret the things that you did. You will regret the things that you didn’t do.“
- „I’m not the type to give up. I just keep going until I get what I want.“
- “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”
- „I’m always trying to be better, stronger, and more successful. It’s never easy but I love the challenge!“
- “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” -Saint Augustine
- „Life is a journey, not a destination.“
- „When you want to give up, remember why you started.“
- „I’ve learned that you can never be happy without being true to yourself.“
- „You can either be the one who makes it happen or you can watch it happen.“
- „I’m here for a good time, not a long time.“
- “If You Are Working On Something That You Really Care About, You Don’t Have To Be Pushed. The Vision Pulls You.” – Steve Jobs
- “Whatever you do never run back to what broke you.” – Frank Ocean
- “Take the risk or lose the chance.” – Unknown
- “I didn’t learn to be quiet when I had an opinion. The reason they knew who I was is because I told them.” – Ursula Burns
- “I never lose. Either I win or learn.” – Nelson Mandela
- “Today is your opportunity to build the tomorrow you want.” – Ken Poirot
- “Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing the monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.” – C.S. Lewis
- “Never regret anything that made you smile.” – Mark Twain
- “You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
- “If you want to fly give up everything that weighs you down.” – Buddha
- “Entrepreneurs Are Great At Dealing With Uncertainty And Also Very Good At Minimizing Risk. That’s The Classic Entrepreneur.” – Mohnish Pabrai
- “Don’t Let Yesterday Take Up Too Much Of Today.” – Will Rogers
- “Life is not what you alone make it. Life is the input of everyone who touched your life and every experience that entered it. We are all part of one another.” – Yuri Kochiyama
- “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” – Albert Einstein
- “You’re off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so… get on your way!” – Dr. Seuss
- “When thinking about life, remember this: no amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of anxiety can change the future.” – Unknown
- “Whatever you do never run back to what broke you.” – Frank Ocean
- “Take the risk or lose the chance.” – Unknown
- “I didn’t learn to be quiet when I had an opinion. The reason they knew who I was is because I told them.” – Ursula Bur
- “Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.” – Suzy Kassem
- “You Learn More From Failure Than From Success. Don’t Let It Stop You. Failure Builds Character.” – Unknown
- “People Who Are Crazy Enough To Think They Can Change The World, Are The Ones Who Do.” – Rob Siltanen
- “If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.” – Katharine Hepburn
- “You were born to be a player. You were meant to be here. This moment is yours.” – Herb Brooks
- “Failure Will Never Overtake Me If My Determination To Succeed Is Strong Enough.” – Og Mandino
- “Whatever you do never run back to what broke you.” – Frank Ocean
- “Take the risk or lose the chance.” – Unknown
- “I didn’t learn to be quiet when I had an opinion. The reason they knew who I was is because I told them.” – Ursula Burns
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Glückliche Instagram Captions
Mach deine Follower und Fans mit einer fröhlichen Instagram-Bildunterschrift glücklich! Wenn deine Follower niedergeschlagen sind, werden sie es zu schätzen wissen, wenn sie daran erinnert werden, dass es noch so viel gibt, wofür sie dankbar sein können. Diese Bildunterschriften sind in der Regel einfach und von Herzen kommend, was sie so wirkungsvoll macht. Deshalb ist es wichtig, dass du dir Gedanken darüber machst, wie dein Instagram-Feed aussehen soll, bevor du diese fröhlichen Bildunterschriften zu deinen Posts hinzufügst. Werden sie zum Rest deines Feeds passen? Wenn ja, dann probiere sie aus!
- Life is much more than doing what everyone else does.
- “Every day is a new day, and you’ll never be able to find happiness if you don’t move on.”
- “I am the king of the world”
- People don’t notice whether it’s summer or winter when they’re happy.
- Fit life💪🏻is a Happy Life😊❤.
- Everyone has a chapter they don’t read out loud… (:-D
- A great obstacle to happiness is to expect too much happiness.
- I’m actually very good until you start annoying me.😉😉
- The universe is supporting me in ways I can’t imagine…!!
- Don‘t ruin a good today by thinking about a bad yesterday.
- Simple life is a happy life.
- I am the most beautiful girl when I am happy!
- Life is the color of joy !! …
- “After going through the darkness you discover that the light is not at the end of the tunnel, it is in your life. ”💕
- “If you see something fantastic in someone, Don’t waste your time, reveal it!”
- Not how long, but how well you have lived is the main thing😊
- ✨“Some people aren’t happy unless you’re unhappy. Be HAPPY anyway.” ✨
- “If you want to be happy start appreciating little things and little effort.”🌈
- “Your smile will give you a positive countenance that will make people feel comfortable around you.”
- “Life is an ongoing saga which will never end so let’s enjoy it to it’s optimum. Let’s appreciate the little happiness of life and ourselves.”
- “Positive expectations are the mark of the superior personality.”
- “Beauty isn’t about having a pretty face It’s about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart and a pretty soul.”🖤
- “Your life cannot produce sweetness when you are bitter. Always be joyful in hope.”
- “Don’t wait for that perfect day and perfect time, it’s always happy hour somewhere in the world! Enjoy every day!”
- “That every moment is always better than the past one take care of yourself and promise yourself that you will continue to be a tremendously real person.”
- “If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.”
- “A happy life must be to a great extent a quiet life, for it is only in an atmosphere of quiet that true joy dares live.”
- “In these years several things have changed, but the most important thing remains the same or more beautiful.” ❤️
- “Simplify your requirements to be happy, then the slightest thing can bring gratitude.”
- “He kisses me on the mouth for a long time, then he licks his lips, says this is the flavor of my life.” 💋❤💏
- “Life is a song – sing it. Life is a game – play it. Life is a challenge – meet it. Life is a dream – realize it. Life is a sacrifice – offer it. Life is love – enjoy it”
Inspirierende Instagram Captions
Inspiriere deine Follower mit einer inspirierenden Instagram-Bildunterschrift! Hier ist eine Sammlung unserer Lieblingsinspirationen für Instagram, um dich zu motivieren!
- Laughs. Scents and tastes. There are things worth living for.
- If you woke up without a goal then go back to sleep
- One day all your hard work will pay off
- You can’t always be nice that people take advantage of you.
- Mindset is everything that you think you become.
- People usually forget to thank when you did good to them, but they never forget to blame when you did wrong to them.
- Mindset is what separates the best from the rest
- Cheaters think everyone cheats and Liars think everyone lies
- Never settle less than what you deserve
- Motivate Me, Support Me, or Get the F**k Out of My Way
- One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful. – Sigmund Freud
- I’m here for a good time, not a long time. – Big Sean, Blessings
- Take chance when you’re young So that you can tell stories when you’re old
- You can’t stop a person doing what they want to do. They’ll start lying to you to continue doing it
- You were not given this life to be Average
- No Matter How you Feel, Get Up, Dress Up, Show Up, and Never and Ever Give Up
- If you don’t fight for what you want then don’t cry for what you lost
- Opportunities are like sunrises, If you wait too long you can miss them
- Please do what you love, find a way, no excuses
- Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. – Oscar Wilde
- You don’t have to like me. The important thing is for me to like me.
- Son, why is the bottle of whisky half empty? Because you’re a pessimist, dad.
- Don’t forget these 3 things: People, Money and your past experiences
- A choice is simple. Work on your life or Someone’s else
- Me, myself, and I. The three of us are enough.
- Is my makeup good? No, I can still see you.
- So many books, so little time – Frank Zappa
- Comfort zones may be nice places but they are waste lands where nothing grows.
- Your current situation is not your Final Destination, The best is yet to come.
- My only Talent is I JUST DON’T QUIT.
- People will talk behind your back. Make sure to give them an Interesting topic.
- Be with someone who would wait 7 hours just to see you for one.
- Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
- Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. – Winston Churchill
- Dreams unwind, Love’s a state of mind. – Fleetwood Mac, Rhiannon
- Negative thinking will never make your life positive
- People always wanna come back into your life when they see you looking good or doing good without a team.
- Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.
- Find the courage to ask the questions and to express what to really want.
- The happiest people don’t have everything. They make the best of everything they have.
- Be careful with your words, Once they are out They can only be forgiven, not forgotten
- Don’t worry about those who talk behind your back, They’re behind you for a reason.
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Pärchen Instagram Captions
Die besten Bildunterschriften für Paare auf Instagram sind die, die zeigen, wie sehr ihr euch gegenseitig mögt. Wenn dein Instagram-Feed hauptsächlich aus Bildern von euch beiden besteht, solltest du darauf achten, dass die Bildunterschriften dazu passen. Sie müssen nicht übertrieben romantisch sein; es geht nur darum, deinen Posts ein bisschen mehr Bedeutung zu verleihen! Und wenn du dich für eine romantische Bildunterschrift entscheidest, ist es gut, wenn du dir nebenbei etwas einfallen lässt. Auf diese Weise kannst du deine eigenen süßen Instagram-Bildunterschriften für Paare schreiben!
- Better together.
- The maple syrup to my pancakes.
- Loving you is easy.
- Two peas in a pod.
- Is there anything better than being with you?
- It wasn’t love at first sight—it took a full five minutes.
- You’re the cheese to my macaroni.
- Your smile makes me smile.
- By your side is where I want to be.
- My favorite person.
- P.S. I love you.
- Home is wherever I’m with you.
- The sunshine of my life.
- You make my heart happy.
- Couples that laugh together, last together.
- I never have to fake a smile when you’re near.
- My favorite love story is ours.
- Together is the best place to be.
- You stole my heart, but I guess you can keep it.
- Fairy tales do exist.
- True love never gets old.
- The peanut butter to my jelly.
- I’m wearing the smile you gave me.
- You’re my favorite person to text…100 times a day.
- I’m crazy for you. Either that, or I’m just plain crazy.
- Orange you glad you met me?
- Thanks for agreeing to take a million photos until we got the perfect one!
- Here’s our submission for the cutest couple award.
- I love you more than pizza, and that’s saying a lot.
- Thanks for killing all the bugs for me.
- Just a couple of weirdos in love.
- Love is talking to you even before my first cup of coffee.
- Besides chocolate, you’re my favorite.
- Hey we clean up pretty well!
- I love you even when I’m hungry.
- Willing to risk cooties for you.
- Sorry but you’re stuck with me now!
- In my totally unbiased opinion, we’re the cutest couple ever.
- Love is sharing your popcorn.
- To the only person who will laugh at my jokes.
- You’re cute, can I keep you?
- I still get butterflies even though I’ve seen you a hundred times.
- You stole my heart, but I’ll let you keep it.”
- Every time my phone goes off, I hope it’s you.
- The one where they fall in love.
- My heart would be empty without you.
- You make me smile so much my face cramps up.
- You’re my favorite hello and my hardest goodbye.
- You are my soulmate, I heard it in a song.
- How’d I get so lucky?
- You bring out my inner child when you say “oh grow up.”
- So many of my smiles begin with you.
- He’s mine. And I don’t like sharing.
- Together is a wonderful place to be.
- Can’t keep calm when I’m crazy for you.
- With you, I can be myself. That’s saying a lot.
- The heart feels what the eyes can’t see.
- I look at you and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes.
- I still get butterflies even though I’ve seen you a hundred times.
- Together is a wonderful place to be.
- Look at those smiles, something is going on here.
- My favorite fairytale is our love story.
- You’re my favorite place to go when my mind searches for peace.
- You make my heart skip a beat.
- Even if there wasn’t gravity on Earth, I’d still fall for you.
- We are champions, we deserve the best couple award.
- Love took slow steps towards your heart..!!
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Zeig deine Liebe zu deinem Partner mit einer liebevollen Instagram-Bildunterschrift! Diese Bildunterschriften sind in der Regel süß und romantisch, deshalb ist es wichtig, dass sie zur Marke passen. Verleihe ihnen etwas Persönlichkeit, indem du lustige Wortspiele oder Adjektive verwendest, die eure Beziehung beschreiben, aber übertreibe es nicht, sonst verlierst du das Gefühl der Authentizität, das dahinter steckt. Alles in allem sind diese Bildunterschriften eine großartige Möglichkeit, deinem Partner zu zeigen, wie sehr du ihn magst.
- Love is meant to be an adventure. — B. Hinckley
- He was Christmas morning, crimson fireworks and birthday wishes. — Raquel Franco
- It was always you. — Unknown
- True love: When they do your least favorite chore without being asked. — Unknown
- It matters not who you love, it matters only that you love. — John Lennon
- I’ve liked you since I met you. — Unknown
- In a sea of people, my eyes will always search for you. — Not Only Not Only Journals
- Stay close to people who feel like sunlight. — Xan Oku
- There are all kinds of love in this world but never the same love twice. — F. Scott Fitzgerald
- You are my today and all of my tomorrows. — Leo Christopher
- How amazing is it to find someone who wants to hear about all the things that go on in your head. — Nina LaCour
- I wish I had done everything on earth with you. — The Great Gatsby
- Let’s make time work for us. — The Maccabees, “Precious Time
- Your love will keep growing.
- Our time together is just never quite enough.
- Love is always patient and kind.
- One of the best feeling in the world is when you hug the person you love, and they hug you tighter.
- Thank you for reminding me what butterflies feel like.
- I want to be the only hand you ever need to hold.
- Love took slow steps towards your heart..!!
- 99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name.
- It’s never too late to live Happily Ever After.
- I love you more than I have found a way to say you.
- You are a beautiful cupcake in a world full of muffins.
- Forget the butterflies, I feel the whole zoo when I am with you.
- Love you is the most beautiful and wonderful thing to do in this world.
- You and I connect like bluetooth.
- Talking to you, laughing with you, being with you, changes my whole mood.
- Some hearts understand each other, even in silence.
- I trust you just because I love you.
- Anywhere with you is better than anywhere without you.
- Every girl deserves ONE GUY who looks at her every day like it’s the first time he saw her. And I’m that ONE GUY
- I don’t know what to talk about, but I wanna talk to you.
- I only want 3 things: to see you, hug you, and kiss you.
- I didn’t choose you, my heart did.
- Watch you smile while you are sleeping.
- Hold my hand and I will go anywhere with you.
- Out of sight but babe you are never off my mind.
- You are a beautiful cupcake in a world full of muffins.
- She is delightfully chaotic; a beautiful mess. Loving her is a splendid adventure.
- When I saw you, I was afraid to meet you, When I met you, I was afraid to kiss you, When I kissed you, I was afraid to love you, Now that I love you, I am afraid to lose you.
- Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be.
- A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love.
- Only a king can attract a queen.
- Your smile. Your eyes. The way you laugh. The way you talk. The way you walk.
- I could stare at you forever.
- Let’s commit the perfect crime. I’ll steal your heart and you’ll steal mine.
- You are my sugar rush, my cocaine bliss, my illegal high, my perfect kiss. You’re an addiction that I always fail to resist.
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