Wondering why you got so few likes or views when you just posted a really great post? That could be because no one has seen it. Why? Because no one is using Instagram at the time. That’s why you should definitely make sure that you share your posts during peak hours.
The best time to generate a high reach on Instagram
Actually, it’s quite simple. Just ask yourself at what time you use Instagram. Most of the time this is just after you wake up, when you’re still in bed and about to get up. Another peak time is in the evening before you go to sleep. In numbers, this means 6-8 in the morning and 8-10 in the evening. It also depends on the day. On weekends, you should avoid mornings and post more midday to afternoon. By the way, your target audience also plays a role. If your target audience consists only of adults, you can usually assume that they work mornings and afternoons. If your target audience is teenagers, you will have a high reach in the afternoon because they are in school in the morning.
Here is a graph from Socialsprout regarding this
What times should you avoid?
The image a bit above actually shows it clearly. You should avoid at night. You shouldn’t share anything between 11pm and 6am. The problem with this is: even when your followers wake up the next day, your post will probably already be so far down the timeline that they won’t see it.
Where are your followers from and how old are they?
Instagram helps you understand where your followers are coming from and how old they are. You should definitely take a close look and deduce when it’s best for you to share a post. If you are from the US and the majority of your followers are from the US, you can easily handle this. However, if you’re from Germany and you have a lot of followers from Japan, you’ll have to keep the time difference in mind.
A good time does not automatically mean high engagement
Just because you share your post at a peak time doesn’t automatically mean you’ll get lots of likes or comments. You always have to keep in mind that at certain times, many of your followers will just scroll through the feed without leaving a comment or like. This is especially the case when your followers are busy. For example, don’t expect your followers to start commenting on your posts shortly after waking up in the morning. This will most likely not happen.
Always posting at peak hours? Sounds exhausting!
Don’t worry, you don’t have to set your alarm clock to share posts at certain times. You can easily automate this. Tools like Jarvee or Buffer will help you. There you can set exactly at which time your post should be shared. And even better: You can schedule all posts in advance. This saves you a lot of time and nerves!